Good News!!!
Hi to all my readers and friends...Here I am, I'm BACK and with my bateries charged, NELLY RELOAD....hehehehe, and guess what? with great news....
I'm MOM, yes I'm mom of a wonderful, sweet and beautiful boy of 4 months, the reason of my life...That's why I haven't written too much lately, so you should imagine how busy I've been (work, school, feeding, etc.) ...and I love it...
I will write a post sooner of the deliver day, when I brought my son to this world, it was funny and scary at the same my baby is now to be a new good human being, a future citizen of the world and of course a good God's son.
His name is Nathan,, you could ask why?...Well, because he's a gift of God, he really is...And all kids are....believe and have faith, so God will give you what you need.
I attached a recent pic of my boy, who I could say is very smart and sensitive, beside being so handsome. Sooner I will work in my space, so you could go in and look to all my pictures, well only those that can be published, hehe.
God bless you all,
And I'll come back with more posts of politics and economics...Now, let me enjoy to be a pretty Mommy.